Saturday, December 15, 2007

Winter Equinox

Well, it's hard to believe another year is almost gone! As we move toward the Winter Solstice on December 22nd, let us all give thanks for the wonderful things that we have been blessed with this year, including our challenges, which have helped us to grow!

Surrender to the inner silence as we go into Winter, allowing your soul to germinate new energy over the next few months. The energy of "waiting beautifully" always supports and intensifies the flourishing to come in your personal Springtime!

Happily, the Casa Violeta, Tulum Goddess Workshop coincides with the awakening power of pre-Spring energy, and we will plant special seeds for our future at this powerful event! The workshop starts on the evening of February 26th and will end with a dawn ceremony on March 4th. There is only one space left at Casa Violeta, so if you wish to be there, please let me know a.s.a.p.! After Casa Violeta is full, we will try to accomodate other workshop participants at nearby hotels whenever possible.

On another note, discount prices for private sessions, including gift cards, remain in effect til the end of the year. I am leaving for the holidays on Monday, Dec. 24th and won't be back til January 2nd, so get with me now, even if it's to reserve a session for next year. If you reserve now, the discount price will apply.

Enjoy the last few days of 2007, and may 2008 be full of blessings for you, your family, your beloveds and for Planet Earth, our Home!

Peace on Earth!
With love flowing to you from my heart,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Spirit of the Fairies!

Just reporting that the Fairy Workshop was a wonderful success - after so many beauiful experiences through-out the week-end, we ended on Sunday afternoon with drumming for a long time atop the Fairy Haunt that we had found on Saturday while visiting the "journey tree" (which we decorated with flowers and chocolates). I am most grateful to the Tuatha for welcoming us into their beautiful energy, and thank you to the Goddess for blessing our lives with Her divine presence. Love to All!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fairy Workshop

Meet the Tuatha de Dannon (the Fairies) in this weekend of exploration into the realm of Celtic Mysticism. We will learn (or continue to expand) Shamanic Journeying, the doorway through which we enter the “other worlds” and awaken to the Call of the Fairy Kingdom. We will drum and sing and visit Riverside Park together to locate a “fairy haunt” – a place where the fairies live right here in NYC! Yes, there are fairies everywhere…and you will make contact with a “fairy ally” to work with from now on, if you so choose…

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience wonder, magic & joy!

Friday night, October 19th - 7 p.m. – 9:30
Saturday 20th - 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.,
Sunday, 21st - 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Price: $240

Contact: Raven Keyes

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How are you feeling?

We are moving toward a huge shift and many people are expressing feelings that seem to get stronger with each passing day. A client of mine earlier this evening expressed what I am hearing over and over again these days. What she said is, "I just feel like I can't take it anymore!" and went on to explain that she can't stand watching the news. She feels like she is being poisoned by the media.

Yes! The fixation on only bad news is affecting what happens in our world! And to us! We feel this truth in our deepest knowing, and we just can't stand it.

There is a growing body of scientific proof showing that reality is created by whatever is focused on. A recent brilliant compilation of scientific experiments proving this can be found in the book The Intention Experiment by Lynne M. McTaggart. The GOOD news in all of this is that we can focus on positive things and make life beautiful - we can make life live!

What if we all "decide" (which is another word for "intention") to make the world a better place? There are people all over the planet who are deciding to disconnect from the negative and connect to the positive. I don't believe this is a coincidence! This impulse to seek a deeper meaning in life is rampant, and is, I believe, the reason we are living on earth at the present time.

What if you were to discover that you chose to be on earth at this time to move the human race along in its evolution? What if you found out that you chose life right now to make a difference and to usher in the new energy that the earth is shifting to? Wouldn't that make you so very happy? And how would that happiness affect the earth?

It takes effort to break the addiction to the news - believe me, I know! It was one of the hardest things I ever had to give up in my life. But if something makes you feel bad, then its not your truth. As we turn our attention to the positive, the world will change. Absolutely it will change. So how are you feeling? You can choose.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Enjoy each day...

Life is precious!

I found out last night that someone I love very much passed away on Saturday in Mexico City. Luis Garcia was, and forever in my heart will be, one in a zillion! Kind, protective, considerate, responsible, loving, amazing, spiritual, inspiring, brilliant...and young. He had a heart attack...

Enjoy every day that you have. We none of us know how many days we get to dance in the sunshine. Would you like to spend your time wisely and to spread love? Geshe Michael Roach has a meditation whereby each morning upon waking, you ask yourself, "If I were going to die tonight, how would I spend this, my last day?" Ahh! What are your heart's desires?

Blessings to my sweet, sweet friend, Luis. I know you are in the Light, Dear, Dear Luis - with all the other Angels! ... Until we meet again.

Love and Light, Raven

Friday, March 23, 2007

Counting blessings each day

Blessing Number One:
It's Friday, March 23rd and tomorrow is my Dad's birthday. I'm so glad to have him here on earth with us still! In December of 1999, through a whole set of bizarre circumstances, my Dad spent the night in a vast wilderness in northern Vermont, lost in a blizzard. It was a miracle not only that he survived, but that he had no harmful effects from being totally exposed to the elements in clothes turned to ice with no shelter at all, except for a tree! The Spirits and Angels blessed my family mightily, and I never forget to thank Them so many times during the year, especially on my Dad's birthday! Perhaps one day I'll tell the whole story...

Blessing Number Two:
There are two book I'd like to recommend. One is "Are You Ready to Succeed?" by Srikumar Rao. I was very fortunate to meet Srikumar this week through the kind introduction by Shira Boss, author of another amazing book, "Green with Envy" that was recently featured on the Today show. Enjoy the transformational reads! Books like these are blessings, because they have the power to transform our lives!

Blessing Number Three:
We are so lucky. When you tell yourself how lucky you are from time to time during each day, your life gets better and better! This is such a simple practice that has such wonderful results! Counting blessings always brings more of the same.

May you be blessed a billion times, and then some!
Love, Raven

Thursday, March 15, 2007

taking care of yourself...

What are you thinking about? What do you read? What do you watch? Are you taking care of yourself in all of that?

I did volunteer healing work after September 11th for 8 1/2 months, spending the last 4 1/2 months in the command center trailer of the Port Authority Police Department at Ground Zero. I became very good friends with the Port Authority cops I was doing healing sessions with, including Lt. Bill Keegan, who was the night commander of the whole operation. Lt. Keegan wrote a book at the 5 year anniversary of 9/11 called "Closure", and although he invited me to a book signing many months ago, I couldn't go, so it was easy for me to avoid reading the book. But after e-mailing back and forth with a widow of a PAPD officer who contacted me recently, I decided to get the book and to read it in honor of all the guys and everything that happened down there. "Closure" is truly amazing - wonderful writing - it has you sitting on the edge of your seat as a read...and after reading 75 pages, I find that I can't read it after all. Not me. Too much happened to me down there. With my Reiki hands, I touched all those guys who were going through all of that, and I felt their feelings shoot through me like electric bolts of lightening. The words take me back to that time and place too vividly. I don't want to go there again.

I've worked hard to return myself to normal, and now I have my heart and mind full of the Goddess and of Her Light. I don't wish to go back, though I love the guys and Lt. Keegan for all they are and for all they have done, and I affirm that the Goddess will bless them always....

So that brings me to the present. I don't read things that are negative, I don't watch the news, I hardly watch any TV. I don't want to put bad things into my mind and heart - listening to my higher self has brought me to this place of engaging only with what I choose to "vibrate with". Science is proving that the chemistry of any person's body changes in relation to what they are thinking and feeling. (see "The God Code" on

Be good to yourself!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tulum, 2007

Hi All,

The Goddess workshop in Tulum was very beautiful indeed! Lots of shamanic journeying to Spirit Guides and Initiation Chiefs opened the way within each person for a powerful Initiation to the Goddess energy. Our Guardians protected the sacred space on the beach for the actual Initiation, which took place on Friday night, March 3rd in the presence of Grandmother Moon.

I give thanks for all the blessings each person received, and I am overjoyed for the awakening, the results of which are resonating still!