Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Enjoy each day...

Life is precious!

I found out last night that someone I love very much passed away on Saturday in Mexico City. Luis Garcia was, and forever in my heart will be, one in a zillion! Kind, protective, considerate, responsible, loving, amazing, spiritual, inspiring, brilliant...and young. He had a heart attack...

Enjoy every day that you have. We none of us know how many days we get to dance in the sunshine. Would you like to spend your time wisely and to spread love? Geshe Michael Roach has a meditation whereby each morning upon waking, you ask yourself, "If I were going to die tonight, how would I spend this, my last day?" Ahh! What are your heart's desires?

Blessings to my sweet, sweet friend, Luis. I know you are in the Light, Dear, Dear Luis - with all the other Angels! ... Until we meet again.

Love and Light, Raven

1 comment:

Goshee said...

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